CS3216 Lecture (Week 9)

Date of Lecture: 21 October 2013

Summary and feelings of the day:
Random notes and scribbles from the lecture. (you can ignore this post)

Provisioning for a million eyeballs by Lai Zit Seng, IT Architect of NUS
How web-app are built? In reality, start with a bright idea, build a prototype, build the real thing, conduct internal developer testing, QAT(quality assurance test)/limited beta –> really works in production. Webpage is slow because the size of the webpage is too huge. Designing webpage, make sure the size is too not huge.
Network issues-Swapping kills-i/o is slow, server is stuck, but request keeps coming in, so swap again before the previous one occur.
Cache?? HP LoadRunner

Gems of the day:

Additional comments:
Landing page template is out. Yay! There’s actually quite an easy way to build a fast website. However, I would think that it is not that ethical, so I guess it’ll be a little secret shared between my group mates and I. Still, there is a bigger sense of satisfaction if we had built our own website from scratch.

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